Monday, October 15, 2012

One of Those Days

Heads up, this is a superficial recounting of the events of my day. There's no point to it, only my ramblings.

Have you ever had one of THOSE days? Those days when everything either goes right or wrong, and you don't really know which way events are heading until they happen? I had one of those days today.

I guess you could say today started last night. I had caffeine, for the first time in months. It had been far too long. Just a small mug of Dunkin' Doughnuts mocha flavored coffee from the Keurig and I was jittery and bouncing off the walls, or at least on the bed. But, I made the mistake of having caffeine after dinner. I couldn't get to sleep until late last night, or this morning, and when I did it wasn't a very deep sleep. I woke up at seven and tossed and turned until nine, when I finally had to get up and go to class.

You'd think, starting the day with as little sleep as I did, that today would turn out badly, but it didn't. My first class, Anthropology, wasn't too interesting, I'll admit, but the computer programming homework I had to do after it was really easy. Then I went to my programming class and was handed a test I thought I'd failed. 48/50 points made for a good solid A, and my day only got better from there. Little things, details too trivial to mention, kept piling up between my classes, and by the time I got to Choir, my last class of the day, I was feeling practically bubbly.

Choir has been difficult for me this year - there are fewer sopranos to sing with, and to be honest, we're not as good as my high school choir was. Because there are so few of us, it's much easier to hear who makes the mistakes, and often I'm embarrassed by the way my voice cracks on the really high notes. Things going as they were today, though, I amazed myself with near perfection. Each and every note was on pitch, and strong, even those I previously struggled to hit. By the end, I was giggling at the slightest thing and could not for the life of me wipe the smile from my face.

I had a really bad week last week, so a day like this was wonderfully refreshing. I don't think I've been this happy since the summer, with all of my friends around me. And today I was all alone! Sometimes life surprises me.

I hope you have one of these days soon. Everyone needs a day to just go exactly right every once in a while, or the stress will drive us insane.

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